Jimmy The Saint and Parker Comode duel, with responses to the NFL’s currently controversial TV commercial, providing alternative articles that ultimately relate to wrestling. First up: Jimmy The Saint’s piece:

In an NFL TV commercial – run on the NFL Channel the past few days – the NFL proclaimed that:

“Football is Gay”

“Football is Lesbian”

“Football is Beautiful”

“Football is Queer”

“Football is Life”

“Football is Exciting”

“Football is Culture”

“Football is Transgender”

“Football is Heart”

“Football is Power”

“Football is Tough”

“Football is Bisexual”

“Football is Strong”

“Football is Freedom”

“Football is American”

“Football is Accepting”

“Football is Everything”

”Football is For Everyone”

The above is, verbatim, the text from the NFL TV commercial.

Now, the following are just questions, so no one should get their panties wrapped up in a bunch—because these are just inquiries, quandaries, fact-finding missions and the like. People who freak out over mere questions are people who (1) are closed-minded weaklings; (2) zeros; (3) losers; (4) clowns; (5) strive to force their narratives in others’ faces with no facts to support their positions; (6) are opposed to science; (7) are of moderate to lower levels of intellect; (8) are of moderate to lower levels of intelligence; (9) do not understand the difference between intellect and intelligence; and (10) comprise the very unfortunate bastion of propagandists who, through their hysteria, falsehoods, fabrications, canards, lies, and outright irrational and illogical propositions, have sought to destroy the fundamental fabric of American values, mores, and culture. Those who are truth-seekers, obviously, should embrace questions – otherwise, how does one get to the truth without having questions answered with factually-supportive answers? Those who are truth-tellers should welcome, with open arms, questions. Why? Because if they are actually telling the truth, they should be elated to answer those questions with factually-supported answers, so that any naysayers will be shut down. Questions do not take positions; to the contrary, questions, simply, look for the truth. With that, let’s see how truth-seekers – and truth-tellers – react to these mere questions:

The NFL, itself, has declared that “football is gay.” So, the natural inquiry follows: How is football “gay”?

Does this mean that all the players are gay? That a substantial portion of them are gay?

Does it mean that all the coaches, staff, and personnel are gay? That a substantial portion of them are gay?

Does it mean that all the fans are gay? That a substantial portion of them are gay?

The NFL, itself, has declared that “football is lesbian, queer, and transgender”, as well.

How many NFL football players are “lesbians”, “queer”, and “transgenders”?

How many NFL football coaches are “lesbians”, “queer”, and “transgenders”?

What percentage of football fans are “lesbians”, “queer”, and “transgenders”?

What percentage of fans watched this TV commercial and thought to themselves – “I identify with this commercial”?

What percentage of players and coaches watched this TV commercial and thought to themselves – “I identify with this commercial”?

Was this brilliant marketing by the NFL, wherein they pegged exactly who all/substantial majority of their players, coaches and fans are – gay, lesbian, queer, and transgender people?

Is there a reason why “heterosexual” people were left out of this NFL TV commercial that ended with “football is for everyone”?

Is there such a small percentage of heterosexual NFL players that they are akin to irrelevant, wherein the NFL sought to leave them out of the spot because there is no point to market to a such a miniscule group of people?

Is there such a small percentage of heterosexual NFL coaches that they are akin to irrelevant, wherein the NFL sought to leave them out of the spot because there is no point to market to a such a miniscule group of people?

Is there such a small percentage of heterosexual NFL fans that they are akin to irrelevant, wherein the NFL sought to leave them out of the spot because there is no point to market to a such a miniscule group of people?

If the actual truth, however, is that the vast majority of football players, coaches, staff, and fans are heterosexuals, would it have been honest, genuine, fair – and in concert with the truth – to have included “heterosexuals” in this TV commercial that ended with “football is for everyone”?

Would non-bigoted and honest people have left out heterosexuals from this TV commercial – or would it be bigots and propagandists/fabricators who left out heterosexuals from this TV commercial spot?

What percentage of people walked away from this TV commercial spot thinking, “You know what, football is indeed gay, lesbian, queer, and transgender. I didn’t realize it before, but the presentation of this spot, in its brilliance, has alerted me to it and now I see the truth in that. It’s not that I’m a robotic sheep, whose mind is easily manipulated by propagandists/fabricators – I actually believe that ‘football is gay, lesbian, queer, and transgender.’ And I don’t think that heterosexuals should have been included in the spot because, well, there are almost zero (or no) heterosexual football players/coaches/fans and, more so, heterosexuals are not worthy to be included in the NFL’s wrap-up statement that ‘football is for everyone’?”

Conversely, what percentage of people walked away from this TV commercial spot thinking, “Wow, that was an insanely bigoted spot, which is completely out of touch with reality”?

All those questions asked, would the wrestling community believe that it would be a fair, genuine, honest, non-bigoted – and truthful – circumstance if the same exact commercial run by the NFL was, instead, run for wrestlers?

Or would the wrestling community think that the following TV commercial would be a fair, genuine, honest, non-bigoted – and truthful – spot, representing who wrestlers and their fans are?

Wrestling is for everyone – heterosexuals, homosexuals, a-sexuals, and whatever-sexuals.

Commonsense dictates who the vast majority of wrestlers are – and who the vast majority of wrestling fans are. But wrestling doesn’t need to talk about people’s sexuality because it is irrelevant. 

What’s relevant is dedication, physical strength, mental strength, skill, conditioning, integrity, truth – and who performs best on the mat.


Below is Parker Comode’s take on Jimmy The Saint’s article:

While Jimmy The Saint shrouds himself in the protection of “questions” versus the deliverance of outright editorialized opinion, the sarcasm of his questions is obvious. His questions, in great part, however, are, admittedly, legitimate. What exactly is meant by that “football is gay” or “bisexual” or “lesbian” or “queer” or “transgender”? If someone who didn’t know what football is, like a person from a foreign country who doesn’t have football as part of her/his culture, she/he would naturally interpret what those statements say on their face: that “football is gay.” They would naturally conclude that everyone or nearly everyone involved in this “football” group is gay—because that’s what the statement is saying. In the reverse, they would also naturally conclude that “heterosexuals” are not part of this “football” group because heterosexuals were very obviously omitted from the TV commercial.

But people in America, and most of the world, know better. They know what football is, and they know that most people in football are not gay/lesbian/queer/bisexual/transgender. They know that most people involved in football are not LGBTQ+. They know, very well, that most people involved in football are straight, that they are heterosexuals. This is why heterosexuals were omitted from the TV commercial. There was no need to include them.

The point of the TV commercial was to say that LGBTQ+ persons are welcomed to the football community. This is what is meant by that “football is for everyone.” Heterosexuals do not need to be represented, specifically, in this commercial. If this is offensive to straight people, that is just too bad. Heterosexuals have historically dominated in American and worldly societies, leaving people in the LGBTQ+ communities marginalized. It’s time to make all aware of their involvement in every facet of society, including football. And including in wrestling, whatever amount of LGBTQ+ people are actually involved. If people conclude, from the commercial, that football or wrestling is chock full of LGBTQ+ people or even that the sports are largely dominated by them, so what. So what if the commercial makes it sound like football is largely gay/lesbian/queer/bisexual/transgender. So what if heterosexuals are omitted. Let people perceive that “football is gay.” The statement, on its face, may not be accurate or honest, but it’s to help a greater cause.

A wrestling TV commercial should mirror the NFL’s TV commercial.