One way to cultivate healthy human relationships is to view relationships through the lens of Quantum mechanics.
The linear Newtonian perspective tends to be the common perspective we default to when it comes to relationships. Everything has a cause and an effect, one thing leads to another, according to Newtonian physics. Unless acted upon by ‘another’ object, an object will continue in the same direction (like linear time).
This simply is not so when it comes to quantum mechanics. Things can change directions at any time for no reason and pop in and out of existence with no apparent cause. It’s interesting that we have been living in a quantum world long before we knew of it’s principles. Quantum reality functions very differently from Newtonian reality. The reason we have been experiencing Newtonian laws, is because according to quantum mechanics, we have observed and thus created them as such. In other words, because we witness and interpret relationships in this way we experience linearity, cause and effect, and force creating change.
Even though our brains works in the quantum world somehow we still experience our bodies and relationships through Newtonian eyes. It is our thoughts that create our realities. Yet somehow we continue to create from an old model of physics. When we have expectations and therefore disappointments if things do not evolve according to our liking, we are viewing the relationship as progressing in ‘linear time.’ When we live as if anything could happen at any moment we are seeing a relationship from the quantum perspective. This perspective gives us a level of freedom and detachment that could very much serve the moment currently playing out.
When we count on a person to continue their ‘development’ in a certain direction and then judge them according to the distance they have trod, we are operating from a Newtonian physics perspective. However, to live as if anything could completely change spontaneously at any moment based on nothing more than the joy of experience, we are operating at a quantum level of infinite possibilities. Life and important relationships would be full of potential surprises and gifts of renewal.
If we can recognize that the ‘other’ is simply an extension of our own observation, especially in situations where we experience conflict, we might be better able to create the results of our desiring by being that which we might prefer. We are in fact altering the outcome by our preconceived ideas. If we proceed through a disagreement in an inharmonious and linear way, expecting the other to ‘come around to our way of thinking’ we are actually helping to perpetuate, by quantum standards, that which we reject.
When we believe (and perceive) that we and the ‘other’ are separate, with individual choices, we are operating on a linear plain. Quantum mechanics allows us to have a very different interpretation of relationships. Particles that were once together, though seemingly separated, forever are joined and dance as if they are one. Instead of separation between two individuals, there is unity. In the quantum world, our choice of how to view the moment, therefore affects the outcome of that moment. Whatever we assume is happening, is happening. If we perceive a negative outcome from a fight, it is evidenced. If we perceive harmony, peace and a stronger relationship from a fight, this too is confirmed.
Even if a choice is beneath what is possible we will only experience what we choose to and what is agreed upon collectively (either silently or vocally) at any given time. We can dominate the field with our awareness if we wish to. If we choose to perceive the miracles at hand because we believe the quantum is at work, we most certainly will. If we can act from a place of full responsibility of outcome and stand in the place out side of time, where we are at one with the object of our perception, the ‘relationship entity’, we will always be pleasantly surprised. This is because we have switched to becoming empowered observers instead of fearful victims. The quantum viewpoint will help us manage the unexpected and even less then desireable circumstances because it will never seem as debased in the quantum viewpoint as it most certainly does from our ‘normal’ vantage point. Quantum mechanics gives us the tools by which to live a higher order of relationship and to release the dramas caused by slavery to linear time. Relationships will be transformed into something more fluid, forgiving and life enhancing, if we believe in this perspective and choose to see the benefits of doing so. Choice and perspective alter the outcome of any situation and we live in a fluid field of possibilities. Therefore, why not elevate our experiences beyond a life lived on ‘default’ and merge into the possible reality where something new is possible, something evolutionary – in our world and in our relationships.