How do Californians spend their tax dollars? Their state legislature is busy passing laws in favor of undocumented aliens, including protections under sanctuary laws; benefits normally available only to citizens, such as health care, access to in-state tuition and financial aid benefits. This, while they continue to thumb their noses at the Federal government and adherence to Federal laws.
Yet, they have no problem coming to the Federal government with their tails between their legs when natural disasters strike to seek Federal relief and aid. Where do these Federal tax dollars come from—you and me. Did we have a say in how California squanders its own tax dollars? Rather, we are indirectly being forced to subsidize California’s immigration policy since the money they spend on illegal aliens is not available to spend on disaster relief.
What would happen if California decided to secede from the Union? Well, there would be a lot less liberal Democrat votes for the Republicans to worry about; we’d save a lot of tax dollars and there would be a place for all illegal immigrants to go. How bad could that be?
Temple Li is the news editor for Empire State News, where she frequently authors her own editorials (just because she feels like it). She graduated at the top of her class at a mediocre college, infuriating her professors with her conservative wit and sultry charm. Empire State News allows Ms. Li to make a living, and to have a platform to tell people what she thinks. What could be better than that?