When one is powerless over an addiction they lack power, strength, or effectiveness.
When someone is addicted to a substance or a behavior they first feel empowered by the choice to engage in the substance or behavior. They may even feel “whole or complete” for the first time ever. They experience a sense of control when they watch their problems melt away with such actions. While in this haze of deception they make a choice and commit to it believing that as long as they continue for the rest of their life they will be okay.
Some never feel a sense of powerlessness on drugs or while manipulating or abusing others, but when the behavior or substance wears off that they feel the lack of power.
Anxiety sets in when they are without the object or action that made them feel better. It doesn’t matter what the drug of choice is it will leave the person weakened then before they engaged every time. Leaving one powerless, without strength, without any ability to control how much they use or act out. A person will loose control over their minds and how much they think about the addictive substance or the next person they will break down to feel better about themselves. They will even loose control over how much they ingest or how badly they abuse another person.
What started out as a feeling of being in control will leave the addicted party completely out of control over every area of their life. Only when a drug addict or abuse addict realizes they have lost control over their lives due to their addiction can they finally gain back true control. Until then, control will only be an illusion and a facade. No one can control someone else, whether they get a job, or whether their life plays out the way they would want it to. The only thing anyone can control is whether they pick up and use or lash out and abuse. True healing and recovery comes to a person when they are able to admit that a power or force greater then themselves has control over their life. When God is added to the equation then miracles occur and real peace and real freedom can truly be achieved.