With all the terrifically weak arguments delivered by the mainstream media, pundits, and Democrat and Republican foes of Donald Trump, the following is surely the weakest: Trump says he might not accept the outcome of the election.
A political candidate might not “accept” the outcome of his election. This is strange? The mainstream media and cohort bumblehead phonies are trying to create a hysteria over this. As if such a proclamation is abnormal and as if any regular American cares.
This matter is so stupid, it sends the clear signal that Trump’s relentless enemies have nothing else up their slimy sleeves and are grasping for any possible point in their desperate effort to sink Donald Trump. One doesn’t need to be a political expert to know that candidates – all the time and throughout the history of U.S. elections – have contested the outcomes of their elections. This is not abnormal; to the contrary, it is the total norm.
There are, literally, ten thousands of candidates – at every level of office – who have refused to accept the results told to them, and demanded recounts. Town council candidates. Those seeking the office of mayor. Countywide candidates. State assembly and state senate hopefuls. Men and women running for governor, the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. And president.
Does anybody remember Al Gore? After the 2000 presidential election, he not only refused to “accept” the results, he took the case all the way to the United States Supreme Court. This, after he had initially conceded. And, oh, Gore was a Democrat.
But who can blame Gore? The election results were incredibly close.
And who can blame the tens of thousands of other candidates, in both parties, who have contested the outcomes of their elections? There are numerous legitimate reasons why candidates contest the results–and thus, why as a norm, it has been done so many times in American elections.
No doubt, the worry of voter fraud and a rigged system is a credible concern. Donald Trump’s voicing of these issues isn’t the first time candidates have expressed such. Factually, this same concern has been voiced by thousands of candidates – and done so every year since the formation of the United States government. No, Donald Trump is not the only voice here–he’s just the loudest and most provocative voice. And Americans are not stupid enough to fall for the pathetic Jedi mind tricks attempted by the arrogant mainstream media and spin doctors.
Voters have shown, time and again, throughout this unique 2016 election season, that they distrust the media and pundits, almost at the same rate that they distrust Hillary Clinton. Nothing in their combined arsenal of dirty tricks has worked yet to dump Trump. And their magician-type attempt here – to make people believe that they should be outraged that Donald Trump would seek to do what thousands have so normally and rightfully done before – will not only be a sure failure, but it is a crystal clear affirmation that they are floundering, desperately flopping fish. This signals a Trump victory.