Entrepreneur Joe Moore was almost laughed off the stage while presenting his nasal screen product on the TV show, “Shark Tank” (2011) but was vindicated when the Sharks offered a landmark $4M to buy him out and a 10% lifetime royalty after seeing he already had an order for $8M. The purchase order and contract, signed by non-other than Hillary Clinton, was for the United Arab Emirates, where pollution threatens their population and became just one of 39 other countries where the product has gained wild popularity.

“When a person sneezes, respiratory droplets stay in the air for 6-8 hours where they can be breathed in by the next passing nose; this is one major way respiratory viruses are spread,” Moore explains.

Because up to 90% of the air a human breathes comes through the nose and respiratory viruses such as flus and colds grow in nasal passages, a personal air filtration system serves as a practical reduction to exposer tool. The product has become so popular that doctors are prescribing it. Miners, steel workers, construction and travel industry use it as well as those who suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, but more than 50% of Nasal Defense Screens sold are used for those who suffer from allergies.

First Defense Nasal Screens are personal air filtration nostril screens, which are scheduled to be sold in more than 40,000 stores in the US by year’s end. In supermarkets, pharmacies, through doctor’s offices, commercial vendors and are also presently sold in over 40 other countries throughout the world. Made in the USA, First Defense Nasal Screens are the brainchild of an entrepreneur known for turning down the largest offer made on the television show, “Shark Tank.” First Defense Nasal Screens can also be found and purchased on Amazon in the US and at

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